Get Paid Faster With Jackrabbit Pay

Accelerated Funding for Business Growth

Jackrabbit Pay gives gymnastics and cheer gyms, dance studios, swim and music schools, and child care centers access to their funds faster by eliminating additional processing time so that they receive deposits in a timely manner and can reconcile easily.


Competitive Pricing

Jackrabbit Pay has competitive rates for credit card and ACH processing with the added bonus of being fully integrated with all of Jackrabbit’s class management software platforms. Jackrabbit Pay’s standard flat-rate pricing starts at 2.59% + $0.30 per transaction for credit card processing. *Rate of 2.59% is dependent on annual processing volume.


Next Day Payout With Jackrabbit Pay

Processing payments shouldn’t take a long time. With Jackrabbit Pay’s Next Day Payout feature, funds will show up in your bank account one full business day after they are processed. Take advantage of accelerated payments so you can keep your account balances up-to-date faster.

Small Business Development

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Payment Automation
for Quicker Billing

Reduce time spent on manual billing tasks with an integrated and automated ePayment system.

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All the Support
You Need

Jackrabbit is proud to have an award-winning support team of real people who care.

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Get Started Processing
Right Away

Not using Jackrabbit yet? Start your free trial to begin processing payments.

Coming Soon

Business Financing Solution

With Jackrabbit Pay’s Capital option, clients can prequalify for loans with multiple financing options. Funds are available within minutes for instant access.

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Ready to start?

Jackrabbit Pay integrates with all of Jackrabbit’s youth activity business management platforms: Jackrabbit Class, Jackrabbit Dance, Jackrabbit Care, Jackrabbit Cheer, Jackrabbit Swim, and Jackrabbit Music. Contact a Jackrabbit Pay specialist to get started.

Schedule a Call or Demo

Learn How Jackrabbit Pay Can Save You Time and Money

Whether you are already a Jackrabbit client or not, we’d love to talk to you.

Choose one of the options below to be directed to our online scheduler to select a day and time.

Already a Jackrabbit client? Schedule a call with a Jackrabbit Pay team member.

Interested in experiencing Jackrabbit’s youth activities management software?

Interested in Jackrabbit’s child care center management software?

Just need some questions answered? Email us any time.